Day 2 - “Things that make me happy”

Pooja Nayak
2 min readOct 9, 2022


I am aware there was an enormous gap between Day 1 and Day 2 of this writing challenge.
Sorry about that!
Let’s go right to the subject.


I’m extroverted. As much as I enjoy social interactions, you could perhaps describe me as an ambivert. I adore spending time alone and simply being myself in my rabbit hole.

My family and the few friends who have already become my family are the largest sources of happiness in my life.
Being the eldest of four children, I enjoy spending time with my siblings, especially when we are making fun of one another and pulling on each other’s legs. I enjoy sharing birthdays with my siblings, eating meals together, and squabbling over pastries, ice cream, and chocolates. I also feel a little happiness from the kind gestures my parents make for me. My father brings me seafood because he is aware of my affinity for it. Everywhere she travels, my mum buys me clothes and treats.

I’m happier when I have friends with whom I can talk, interact, and vent about my life.
Being surrounded by real people who love and accept you for who you are without passing judgment on you and who always stand by you through good and bad times is the best feeling in the world.

What I choose to do is something that actually makes me happy. Taking my personal choices on what I wish to do, eat, and study makes me genuinely pleased. Not being under someone’s control makes me happy.

“Your greatest power is the opportunity to live your life how you want and to choose who you want to be. I don’t agree that you should ever surrender this authority.”

Check out this if you would like to know what freedom means to me.



Serenity, peace, and solitude are things that make me happy. I appreciate listening to music enthusiastically just as much as I appreciate solitude. I enjoy observing the skies filled with clouds and their patterns. The waves break and come back, and I like to watch them. Who just wouldn’t enjoy viewing a sunset? Ah, come on!

Consuming nutritious foods, exercising regularly (well, I am not kidding), being productive, and accomplishing my routine activities makes me extremely satisfied.
Watching good movies, listening to music, reading good books, meeting new people, transiting to different places, and visiting temples all seem to be things I enjoy doing.

It gives me immense pleasure to express my feelings and emotions through writing.

Thanks for reading!



Pooja Nayak

Engineer, reader, and learner. Every mistake you do gives you the experience to learn something new. ✉️-